Piles are simple to treat and most of the time home remedies work. However, in case of complications, consulting the best doctor for piles should be a priority. These doctors recommend a customized treatment plan based on the patient’s unique needs and problem areas. This could be medications, laser surgery, and so on.
Definitely! We work with a network of hospitals and clinics that employs lady doctors for consultation and treatment related to haemorrhoids. Our medical coordinators will help patients connect with lady proctologists equipped with advanced surgical tools to offer piles cure treatment. She will also offer post-operative care based on the type of treatment offered.
Open surgery may take a few days to weeks depending on the complexity of the condition and the type of the treatment availed. If the condition is frequent, it may lead to acute pain. However, recovering after laser surgery takes 4-7 days. In laser surgery, there are negligible complications. After the surgery, patients can resume work in 2days. In just a week after the laser surgery, patients can continue with their normal routine.
People with the below symptoms are more prone to piles: · The ones who do not have an active lifestyle · People who are obese or overweight · People who don’t include fibre-rich food in their diet · Poor hygiene habits · Exertion during bowel movement · Prolonged standing · Pregnant ladies Genetic predisposition
Inflammatory bowel syndrome can also result in fissures. So, if you have any difficulty during the bowel movement, such as painful bowel or inconsistency during the bowel, then you need to visit your doctor. Moreover, if you notice blood during the toilet or stool, you need to consult a urologist immediately.
Generally, anal fissure heals within a few weeks. However, it is only possible if you keep your anus soft and dry. This could be possible if you increase your intake of fluid and fiber. Take a bath for 10 to 20 minutes a day in warm water, as it will relax your rectum and help in healing sphincter muscles.
In most cases, the best treatment for fissure in ano is laser surgery. However, depending on the adversity of the infection, medications are also provided that can treat uncomfortable symptoms. When it comes to the best medicine for fissure, it includes fluid intake, OTC medicine, and a warm water bath.
Fissures might have scarred your anal region and have caused spasms on the internal skin, which is why you were advised for surgery. Depending on the procedure performed, it might take 6 to 10 weeks to recover completely. Acute pain will be cured within a few days, letting you resume your daily life.
Generally, the reason behind the occurrence of the fistula is rectum injury or infection that leads to or severe inflammation or swelling in the rectal region. Another major reason that causes fistula is inflammatory bowel syndrome-like Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis, as these also result in inflammation within the anal region.
There are several signs and symptoms that suggest you might have a fistula, they are: Severe pain in the anal region Swelling near the anus Painful bowel movements Excessive strain during passing stool Recurring anal fistula Sexually transmitted disease Soreness in anus Constant itching and irritation in the rectum Discharge of pus
Home remedies are used to soothe itching, irritation, or soreness because of fistula, but they cannot help in the treatment of fistula. In order to completely get rid of it, you need to opt for surgical methods. Using warm water, wearing an anal pad, and fluid intake can soothe the pain.
It requires at least 15 to 18 hours of rest if you are discharged on the same day in a healthy and painless condition. This is a minimally invasive surgery, so, you can easily resume your daily routine after being discharged, as long as you follow all the post-op instructions.
Patients usually get recovered in 24-48 hours. You can resume normal activities post-surgery. The procedure is quite simple and convenient and the chances of recurrence are nil. However, this could vary from patient to patient. Our network of surgeons serves each patient individually and provides the best recommendation.
A sinus is an air-filled space behind the eyes and cheekbones that assist in breathing. Sinusitis, on the other hand, is the infection observed in the mucosal layer of the sinus.
There are primarily three types of sinusitis characterized based on the time period. If you observe having sinusitis for four weeks, you have acute sinusitis. If you have sinusitis for four to twelve weeks, then you are suffering from sub-acute sinusitis. Finally, if you suffer from sinusitis for over twelve weeks, you are suffering from chronic sinusitis.
A sinus surgery, in general, takes a few hours. This time includes preparation of the patient, anesthesia, surgery by the team, and the patient's preparation for recovery. In most cases, it is performed as an out-patient procedure. At our best-partnered sinus surgery hospital, best sinus surgery clinic, and sinus and nose hospital, the sinus surgery treatment cost and sinus surgery treatment price are made affordable.
No. The appendix is a vestigial organ which is an organ that is not needed by the body. Since the human diet does not consist of complex fibers, this organ has been made redundant. The appendix treatment or surgical removal is a perfectly safe procedure with minimal side effects.
It is not recommended to try any home remedies for appendicitis. The condition can worsen quickly and, in some cases, can even be fatal. In case of pain, the patient must refer to their doctor for appendix pain treatment. The symptoms of the condition will disappear once the appendix has been removed.
Treat Pa provides the patients a list of the best hospitals offering competitive appendicitis treatment costs. Patients can use the platform to not just compare hospitals and specialists but also compare the appendicitis surgery cost. In case the condition is not severe, patients can review a comprehensive analysis of the appendicitis treatment price. Patients are also advised on how to choose the best hospital for the best appendicitis surgery price.
A perforated appendix is a stage of appendicitis where the inflamed appendix develops tears on its outer walls. Perforated appendix treatment has to be administered quickly since it can lead to infections in the surrounding regions. A blood test will determine the levels of white blood cells which indicates the presence of infections. This is why a blood test is part of a perforated appendix treatment plan.
Hernia recurrent is one of the major risks associated with hernia repair surgery. To prevent recurrent hernia, you must visit the best hospital for hernia repair collaborating with Treat Pa. The expert doctors at the best hospitals for hernia repair will guide you thoroughly to prevent recurrent hernia.
Hernias are not hereditary. A hernia is developed in a person due to the weak muscles that support the abdominal area. However, diagnosis of a hernia is possible if one or both of the parents and the child has weak muscles.
The weakness of abdominal walls leads to inguinal hernias in many people. The following list shows the people who can be prone to inguinal hernia: Male: Men are 8 times more prone to inguinal hernia than women. Aged: The weak muscles in old age can cause an inguinal hernia. Family History: Inguinal hernia can occur if your parents or sibling has been diagnosed with it. Premature birth Low weight at the time of birth People with chronic constipation
There are several home remedies you can use to shrink your hernia naturally. Apply aloe vera on affected areas. It has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Consume more fruits. Take light and healthy meals. Drink vegetable juices. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day. Use an ice pack. Apply castor oil.
It is easy for a person to live a healthy life without a gallbladder. Moreover, surgery is safe. Even 80% of people diagnosed with gallstones go under the surgical procedure. However, there is a rare chance such problems can arise: Infection Swelling Bleeding Bile leakage Blood clots Bile duct or blood vessel damage
For open surgery, then you will have to stay in the hospital for a few more days. It might take from 6 to 8 weeks for a full recovery. Whereas for laparoscopic, you will heal much faster, and if there is no complication, you will be discharged on the same day. It will take around two weeks for a full recovery.
Gallstones usually cause unbearable pain in the upper right side of your abdomen. This pain is typically constant and extremely intense. Some people have also observed sudden and extensive pain in the middle of the stomach, marginally beneath the breast bone. The best gallstone clinic can help with the diagnosis.
No, you cannot remove gallstones naturally. It is possible in the case of kidney stones. However, natural ways can help you to reduce your symptoms to some extent. These symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, abdomen pain, or shivering. You can get relief from symptoms but cannot eradicate them or the gallstones.
As you start noticing the symptoms and you undergo a home pregnancy test and turns out positive you can visit your gynaecologist immediately and after proper medical examination and confirming the pregnancy your prenatal care begins right after.
There are various symptoms where you can identify your labor has begun like you can feel the baby drop, your cervix begins to dilate, and severe cramps begin. In case these cramps last for more than an hour then it is a indication that you are in labor.
Treat Pa has collaborated with top rated hospitals and clinics who provide you safe treatment and ensure you have a happy pregnancy. Reach out to our medical coordinator who can assist you throughout the process.
During your sixth month of pregnancy your body requires a lot of probiotics which you can intake through curd or dairy products. You also need to intake food that has high content of iron, vitamin A, and vitamin D.
Lifestyle habits play a significant role in the onset and management of irregular periods. Typical unhealthy lifestyle includes improper diet, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, and stress. These factors may increase the risk of hormonal imbalance in the body and lead to irregular periods.
Yes, irregular menstrual cycles may or may not affect fertility in women. Many women with irregular periods go on to have normal pregnancies. However, it may be harder for women with irregular cycles to get pregnant. Consult a gynecologist to know more about the treatments for irregular menstruation available.
Yes, irregular periods treatment for unmarried women is possible. The doctor may prescribe medications and suggest a few lifestyle changes to treat the underlying conditions causing it. You can consult a gynecologist at our partner hospitals and get treated for a reasonable irregular period treatment cost.
To make your periods regular, seek treatment from a specialist who can prescribe you medications or perform surgery to treat any underlying condition. Apart from this, exercise regularly and adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent and manage the symptoms.
The best way is to get it diagnosed before the symptoms turn severe. Besides medications recommended by your gynecologists, you must practice after-treatment care that includes following a healthy lifestyle, take proper sleep, get rid of bad drinking and eating habits. Prevention can go a long way in treating PCOD.
Treat Pa will help you in finding the best hospitals for PCOS treatment. We are in a network with multiple hospitals and clinics that offer the best way to cure PCOD. Depending on your specific health needs and budget, we will suggest the best hospital and treatment plan for you.
Just by making minor alterations to your lifestyle and diet, you can prevent PCOD and its symptoms in the future. Do not forget to add supplements rich in Magnesium, Omega, Cod liver oil, and cinnamon to your diet to prevent the disease from recurring. Staying away from caffeine also helps in the long run.
When you are aiming to ease PCOD, your diet should avoid all the foods that can increase inflammation, spike sugar, and cause weight gain. Refined carbs should definitely be on the list of foods to avoid (pasta, white bread, pizza, white rice). Also, quit pre-bottled juices and smoothies. Other than this, limiting processed foods like candies, yogurt with extra sugar, Ice cream can also help.
A sinus is an air-filled space behind the eyes and cheekbones that assist in breathing. Sinusitis, on the other hand, is the infection observed in the mucosal layer of the sinus.
There are primarily three types of sinusitis characterized based on the time period. If you observe having sinusitis for four weeks, you have acute sinusitis. If you have sinusitis for four to twelve weeks, then you are suffering from sub-acute sinusitis. Finally, if you suffer from sinusitis for over twelve weeks
A sinus surgery, in general, takes a few hours. This time includes preparation of the patient, anesthesia, surgery by the team, and the patient's preparation for recovery. In most cases, it is performed as an out-patient procedure. At our best-partnered sinus surgery hospital, best sinus surgery clinic, and sinus and nose hospital, the sinus surgery treatment cost and sinus surgery treatment price are made affordable.
Your doctor would recommend sinus surgery besides frequent infections and the lack of improvement observed in the non-surgical treatments. In addition to this, nasal structure abnormalities can only be resolved by surgery.
To some extent, there is a possibility of regrowth of the tonsil tissue. During the surgical procedure, if some tissue is left, then the tonsils may regrow partially. Complete regrowth post-tonsillectomy is not possible.
Tonsillectomy is a relatively safe surgery that is carried out as an out-patient procedure. Despite this, bleeding and dehydration are some of the risks of tonsillectomy. This happens especially when the patient may not frequently hydrate after the surgery. Extreme dehydration may even lead to possible admission to the hospital. The bleeding can happen five to ten days after the surgery. Other minor risks of the surgery include scarring, changes in voice, and breathing issues.
Bacterial tonsillitis can be characterized by the presence of white spots on the throat alongside the swollen tonsils. Viral tonsillitis does not have any such indications aside from a red and swollen pair of tonsils. Both bacterial tonsillitis treatment and viral tonsillitis treatment differ.
Your doctor can diagnose your infection by a throat swab, a blood test involving a complete blood cell count, and a rash examination. The examination for rash is particularly necessary for bacterial tonsillitis treatment and swollen tonsil treatment.
Yes, there are various ways to get rid of kidney stones without surgery. You can consult a homeopathic, allopathic, or ayurvedic doctor who may help you treat stones in the kidney. However, these treatments will work only in the case of smaller stones. For larger stones, surgery is the only option.
Drinking less amount of water is one of the main factors responsible for kidney stones. If you have kidney stones, make sure you drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water each day. Drinking a good amount of water is the best way to flush the stones out of your body and prevent new ones from forming.
Yes, if the stones are left untreated for a long time, they may damage the kidneys. The blockage in kidneys due to the stones may also cause urine to build up in the kidney and swell. Large stones may also cause a gradual loss of functioning in the kidneys.
The best way to prevent kidney stones naturally is by drinking lots of water daily. Consuming a diet rich in calcium and consists of different fruits and green leafy vegetables may also help prevent stones in your kidneys.
If the hydrocele is not treated on time, it can lead to severe symptoms and major complications. From the two types of hydrocele, Non-communicating Hydrocele and Communicating Hydrocele, it remains the same or has minor growth if the former is not treated. But, in the case of Communicating hydrocele, it must be treated on time, or it may develop an inguinal hernia.
Yes, hydrocele can be treated entirely through surgery. Hydrocelectomy is the best hydrocele treatment to cure it permanently. It also includes laser Treat for hydrocele. However, if the size of the hydrocele is severe, it may require multiple surgical repairs.
Hydrocele does not affect fertility directly. Yet, if your hydrocele is associated with other testicle problems or underlying issues, it may affect fertility. It can also lead to severe complications like testicle infection and tumors. It may also reduce sperm production.
No, hydrocele is not a congenital disability. It can be witnessed in newborn babies as congenital hydrocele. But it will disappear within one year. The swelling in the scrotum may look painful and severe, but it is not an actual problem.
If you have excessive skin sagging, but are in good overall health, then you are considered to be at the right age. However, the average patients are in the age bracket of the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s for facelift surgery, but in several cases, people above their 70’s or 80’s have also gone under successful face lifting treatments.
Remember, a facelift will never stop your face from aging. It is a procedure that can only improve your appearance. In a facelift, several factors are considered like bone structure, skin texture, heredity, skin sagging, sun exposure, tobacco history, and so on. These factors play a critical role to see how long it will last.
A facelift procedure is not made to modify the structure of the upper third of the face. If you are looking to reduce the frown lines around your eyes and forehead, then you need to brow lift or eyelid lift surgery. A facial rejuvenation procedure is conducted after the surgeon examines the aesthetics of your face.
For 2 to 5 days, after the surgery, you will feel some amount of pain. Also, you might be facing trouble opening your mouth for a couple of days. Your skin around the incision made will feel numb and frequent itching or shooting pains every now and then will occur.
No, the scarring you get after gynecomastia surgery will not be noticeable. You may get scarring after the surgery. It will start getting in good shape after 10 days and will fade away within 6 months.
The benefits of gynecomastia surgery are: It effectively removes enlarged male breast tissues. Best way to get rid of man boobs. It removes excess skin. It removes gynecomastia tissues. It restores confidence in the body.
No, Treat Pa doesn't offer gynecomastia treatment. Treat Pa has partnered with the best hospitals and their gynecomastia doctors offering the latest gynecomastia treatments.
Gynecomastia surgery provides long-lasting or permanent results. However, in some cases, gynecomastia can also return after the surgery. Always make sure to get surgery from a highly skilled and experienced doctor to avoid such complications.
Yes, your doctor may call you for follow-ups. You can even need follow-up surgeries in case one session is not enough for your head. The follow-up period after the hair transplant can be up to 12 to 24 months, depending on individual requirements.
Yes, Treat Pa will connect you with a suitable hospital at an affordable hair transplant price. Treat Pa will list out hospitals based on your budget and allow you to opt for the best rated hospital within your proximity.. We also provide a free concierge.
The procedure of hair transplant surgery is not at all painful. Hair Transplant is done after using anesthesia. However, the numbing medication can cause discomfort. The patient can have a couple of months with minimal pain.
Yes, Just like your natural hair, transplanted hair can also thin over time. You may also require a surgical touch-up to make your hair look more natural.
People who maintain stable body weight and who have good skin elasticity are generally the ideal candidate. Also, people who have realistic expectations from this surgery and are ready to follow a healthy lifestyle may undergo liposuction.
No, liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure where the doctor will make a small incision on the area to be treated. The doctor will also give anesthesia before the surgery so that you do not feel any pain. After the surgery, there may be soreness in the body which can be easily managed through pain medications.
The benefits of liposuction surgery include the body’s better appearance, reduction in swelling due to edema, weight loss, and even fat distribution. It is also a safe and cost-effective procedure that anyone who wishes to reduce fat in certain parts of the body can do so.
After your surgery, it will take almost 4 weeks for you to recover completely. You can resume your work and get back into your daily routine in a week. However, it is necessary to take adequate rest and follow-up with you regularly to reap the surgery’s maximum benefits.
Cataract surgery recovery time is generally 8 weeks. The patient must wear sunglasses during these 8 weeks to protect eyes from bright lights. Additionally, medications and eye drops will be prescribed for the recovery period.
Cataract operation price in India can range from Rs 40,000 -60,000. If you opt for laser surgery, the cataract surgery cost could go over a lakh in most hospitals.
The results of cataract surgery depend heavily on the case. There are chances of a near full recovery of the patient’s vision but this depends on the stage in which the surgery is performed, how the body responds to the surgery, and the patient’s ability to follow the post-op instructions. The surgery should lead to a significant improvement of the patient's vision.
No, cataract surgery doesn’t include incisions as the procedure is mostly done with lasers. This surgery doesn’t leave scars on the patient and is considered a minimally intrusive procedure.
Yes, the LASIK surgery is safe as it does not involve any bandages or stitches on the eyes. The surgery will also be performed by a trained professional. The doctor will perform the surgery after numbing your eye to reduce pain. The whole process will take about 30 mins, and it is a safe outpatient procedure.
An ophthalmologist is a trained doctor who would diagnose and treat problems related to the human eye. An ophthalmologist can use various physical examination tools to help in his diagnosis and is trained to perform a LASIK eye surgical treatment.
People who are younger than 18 years or suffer from any eye diseases that may interfere with the surgery should not opt for LASIK eye surgery. Also, people who have autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or are infected with HIV do not qualify for this procedure.
No. If the LASIK procedure is done correctly, you will not require glasses to see clearly. However, you may need to wear sunglasses for a week after the surgery as the eyes can be extremely sensitive, and direct contact with sunlight may harm them.
Symptoms like Extreme pain while walking and experiencing stiffness especially in the morning and major interruption in your regular activities and restricting your mobility, experiencing pain while resting or walking after taking some rest, severe inflammation in your joint that does not seem to go away even after medications, accidents that lead to severe knee damage, and knee deformities are seen.
In case you are experiencing severe pain in your joints, your mobility is highly restricted, if your regular activities are greatly affected due to the pain. Even if you are diagnosed with arthritis and medications and treatments do not seem to give any relief then it may be the time you need to consult a Knee Replacement Doctor.
Not all procedures require you to stay at the hospital, for minimal surgeries you can leave the hospital after the procedure is once, in few other surgeries you may be required to stay for one or two days for observation.
Arthroscopic knee surgery is a minimally invasive procedure and does not involve any large incisions, there also would not be any major scars from the procedure and also the recovery is comparatively quick.
There are various signs where hip injury can be easily identified and helps in the treatment immediately. Swelling, Pain and inability to walk, Stiffness, Instability, Weakness in your hip, Numbness in the damaged area, and unable to stand putting weight on legs.
In case you are experiencing severe pain in your damaged area, your mobility is highly restricted, if your regular activities are greatly affected due to the pain. The pain does not seem to fade away even with medications or home remedies.
Well most if the hip replacement procedures require you to stay at the hospital for a day or two depending on your condition, though few procedures are an outpatient procedure and the patients leave the same day of the procedure.
Hip arthroplasty surgery is a minimally invasive procedure and does not involve any large incisions, there also would not be any major scars from the procedure and also the recovery is comparatively quick.
People with an injured shoulder can show various symptoms like shoulder joint may look deformed, pain is severe, shoulder movement is completely restricted, swelling of the shoulder joint, and hand and arm weakness.
On the off chance that, individuals who can get benefitted from the surgery are serious shoulder pain that meddles with ordinary exercises and basic regular activities, moderate to serious pain while resting, this pain might be sufficiently serious to prevent a night's rest, and loss of movement in the shoulder.
Shoulder surgery is a minimally invasive procedure and does not involve any large incisions, there also would not be any major scars from the procedure and also the recovery is comparatively quick.
There are various types of spinal injury treatment based on the condition and the area of the injury. Total shoulder replacement, Reverse shoulder replacement, Partial shoulder replacement, Shoulder resurfacing, and Arthroscopic shoulder surgery are among the few.
People with an injured spine can show the following symptoms like Troubled walking, Losing the bladder control, Loss of movement in arms and legs, Unconsciousness, Headache, and Symptoms of shock
On the off chance that the issue isn't settling with active work, over the counter medicines, or pain does not seem to relieve even after consumption of prescribed medication, then it is advisable to visit an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon for a complete assessment and treatment of the injury.
Well most if the spine injury procedures require you to stay at the hospital for a day or two depending on your condition, though few procedures are an outpatient procedure and the patients leave the same day of the procedure.
Spine surgery is a minimally invasive procedure and does not involve any large incisions, there also would not be any major scars from the procedure and also the recovery is comparatively quick.
Usually people with an injured ankle can show various symptoms like Swelling and inflammation near the damaged joint, Intense pain, Visible bruises, Sensitivity to touch, Joint deformities, Difficulty in walking, and Trouble in bearing weight.
On the off chance that individuals who can get benefitted from the surgery are those who have severe pain in their ankle, movement is highly restricted, medication and exercise does not seem to show an effect.
Well most if the ankle injury procedures require you to stay at the hospital for a day or two depending on your condition, though few procedures are an outpatient procedure and the patients leave the same day of the procedure.
In a minimally invasive procedure within a day or two you can get back to your regular life; it may take a few days or weeks depending on your severity of the procedure and also on your age.
An ACL specialist is a medical practitioner who falls under the orthopedic surgery field of medicine, this means they deal with injuries to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. A specialist who deals with anterior cruciate ligament tear treatments is a super-specialized surgeon in their field and can also if required treat other orthopedic injuries.
If the treatment for an ACL tear in the knee is surgery, doctors will require the patient to stay in the hospital overnight prior to the surgery and a day after the surgery. This is because the surgery requires general anesthesia. If the anterior cruciate ligament tear treatment is not surgical in nature, then doctors may prescribe painkillers and physical therapy. This is done for Grade I and some Grade II tears and this does not require hospitalization.
Treat Pa works with numerous partnered hospitals that have treatments for ACL tear in knee, they are not, however, limited to orthopedic surgeons. Treat Pa’s network of partnered hospitals are multispecialty in nature and employ only the best practitioners in each field of medicine.
The best treatment for ACL tears depends on the severity and grade of the tear. For a Grade III tear, the surgeon will recommend a surgical option for a torn ACL treatment in order to repair the fibers in the ligament itself.
There are various signs where sports injury can be easily identified and helps in the treatment immediately. Swelling, Pain, Stiffness, Instability, Weakness, Numbness in the, damaged area, Redness, and Headache or unclear state of mind
In case you are experiencing severe pain in your damaged area, your mobility is highly restricted, if your regular activities are greatly affected due to the pain. Even if you are diagnosed with extreme injuries; medications and treatments do not seem to give any relief then it may be the time you need to consult a Sports injury doctor.
Not all procedures require you to stay at the hospital, for minimal surgeries you can leave the hospital after the procedure is once, in few other surgeries you may be required to stay for one or two days for observation.
Arthroscopic sports surgery is a minimally invasive procedure and does not involve any large incisions, there also would not be any major scars from the procedure and also the recovery is comparatively quick.
Leaving the condition untreated can lead to permanent nerve damage and disability. Ignoring the symptoms could lead to severe carpal tunnel pain and loss of sensation, making it difficult to perform simple activities in day-to-day life.
Surgery is required only in the most severe cases. The condition can be treated by other methods like pain medication, hot and cold compress, and a wrist splint. The type of treatment needed will be decided by an expert medical team.
CTS is diagnosed by examining and assessing the symptoms. The physician will look for swelling, discoloration, and tenderness around the wrist area. Nerve conduction tests could also be done to make a conclusive diagnosis.
The best way to treat carpal tunnel is to follow a medical practitioner's advice to the dot. Treat Pa connects patients with the best physicians who will ensure that carpal tunnel syndrome pain is minimized and the most effective treatment methods for the patient are used.
Diabetic foot ulcers may be caused due to various causes like low blood circulation in the feet, irritation, trauma, or deformities. Patients suffering from diabetes might develop neuropathy over time which could lead to a lack of feeling in the feet. Vascular diseases can cause poor circulation in the feet and affect the body's ability to heal which increases the chances of infection.
The key is to heal any wound in the foot before it becomes infected. It is crucial to control the blood sugar levels, clean and bandage the wounds, and wear appropriate footwear in order to prevent infection. In the case of infections, the treatment options include medication, wound care, and surgical methods.
Regular visits to a podiatrist to get the feet examined are highly recommended. Early assessment can help control risk factors that can cause foot ulcers in diabetic patients. Reducing smoking, alcohol consumption, and blood sugar levels can also help prevent diabetic foot ulcers. Learning to check the feet regularly and maintaining foot hygiene is key to the prevention of foot ulcers.
The most common symptoms of diabetic foot ulcer are as follows: Wound or injuries without pain Numbness or tingling sensation Redness and swelling Discharges from wounds Fever and chills
Currently, there are no medical treatment reports that involve the permanent and complete cure of varicose veins. The root cause is chronic venous insufficiency causes permanent damage to the veins that control the blood’s backflow, therefore leaving no room for a permanent cure.
If you suffer from spider veins, then your doctor can suggest minimally invasive surgical options to treat. These leave almost no scarring and can be considered a good option to eliminate varicose veins.
Aside from the physical manifestation of the varicose veins, your doctor may also employ certain imaging techniques such as an ultrasound to evaluate the veins inside the legs. The doctor recognizes venous reflux to diagnose the medical condition accurately.
When left untreated, varicose veins can lead to skin ulcers, sores, blood clots, and even deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Therefore, it is always advisable to get your varicose veins treated as soon as possible before the onset of complications. Varicose vein treatments are vital and can prevent life-threatening complications.
Varicocele is known to be closely associated with male infertility as aside from the reduced sperm count and sperm quality, Varicocele severely affects spermatogenesis and the production of testosterone in the body.
A Varicocele and a hydrocele are two different medical conditions. Varicocele is a vascular condition wherein the veins of the scrotum enlarge and swell due to damaged valves. A hydrocele, on the contrary, is a condition wherein the fluid accumulates in the scrotal sac resulting in the pushing asides of the testes.
After the surgery, you must avoid lifting weights and avoiding any activity involving pressure on the groin. You may also wear a jockstrap to provide your scrotum proper support during the recovery period.
Unfortunately, no. currently, no drugs or medication can help in the cure of Varicocele. Drugs only help reduce or control the symptoms. Only surgically can the condition of Varicocele be resolved.
No, it is found both in men and women. The studies state that sometimes it is approximately one-third of infertility attributed to women, one-third to men, and one-third results as a combination of both partners. Nevertheless, 20% of infertility causes are still unknown, even after a full diagnosis of both partners.
If you are under 35 years and have been trying for more than a year then you need to visit a fertility medical practitioner. Or else if you are above 35 years and trying to conceive for almost six months, then you need immediate consultation at a fertility clinic.
There are several signs and symptoms that indicate you might be infertile, such as: Painful intercourse Difficulty to have intercourse Unexplainable weight gain Hot flashes Milky breast discharge Change in sex drive Abnormal or irregular menstrual cycle No periods Intensive pain during periods Hair growth on body and face
Yes. Age is the only critical factor that can influence women’s infertility. Most of the women are born with all the eggs, and as they age, the eggs start to diminish in quality and quantity. Presently, there is no treatment to reverse the process. Specialists say, at 30, women have a 20% chance to conceive (each month) and at 40, only 5%.
Once you have undergone the IVF treatment and the embryo has implanted itself in the uterus, it's essential to rest for a few days. Please take all the medications prescribed by your doctor and follow all the instructions provided by him. Eating a healthy diet and taking a folic acid supplement will also help you to recover faster.
IVF is the most widely used assisted reproductive technology by doctors and can be used in male and female infertility. It is a safe and painless procedure that can be opted by anyone who is trying to conceive a baby.
Yes, IVF treatment is a safe procedure that does not involve making any major cuts or stitches in the body. You will also be given pain medication during the retrieval and transfer of eggs to numb the pain if any. There are a few health complications that may arise due to the medicines, but they are rare.
If you're undergoing IVF treatment, avoid eating processed foods like bread, biscuits, potato chips, etc., or foods high in sugar that may increase your body's sugar levels. You should also avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee or tea and stop alcohol consumption for having a successful treatment.
Any kind of disorder ranging from the kidney to testicular cancer can cause male infertility. For example, metabolic disorders ranging from fever to infections can also impair the production and quality of sperm. Other than this, sexually transmitted diseases can lead to blockages of the reproductive tract, whereas genetic factors, like fibrosis, lead to decreased sperms.
Sperm health can improve if you maintain a healthy BMI, include a healthy diet, and exercise regularly. Drinking water in moderation and taking vitamin supplements also help. Taking a multivitamin dose can also improve sperm health. Take zinc, folic acid tablets. Zinc can help multiply sperm count, whereas folic acid reduces sperm abnormalities.
Yes, many surveys done in the past show that with increasing age, male fertility decreases. Other genetic issues that can be responsible are abnormal chromosomes and sperm fragmentation, resulting in male infertility and requiring proper diagnosis.
Yes, most infertility treatments are covered under insurance. In vitro fertilization is one infertility treatment that is specifically covered under insurance. This treatment is meant for men who have low sperm counts. At Treat Pa, we can help manage your insurance claim within 24 hours. Our medical assistant will take care of the paperwork, filling up the form, and filing the claim.